Less than Jake - Losing Streak - Third Eye

Smartpunk Records

Less than Jake - Losing Streak

Sale price$29.99
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Artist: Less than Jake

Album: Losing Streak

1996's Losing Streak is the second studio album and major label debut from ska-rockin' maestros Less than Jake. "I think the way we sing together is one of the things that people have always remembered about this band, and Losing Streak was when we really began to perfect the way our voices meld together: a lot of the songs feature Chris and I taking turns on vocals, then coming together and singing together," Roger Lima reflected to Loudersound. "This album was very melodically influenced in that sense. It was also our first experience in a real recording studio... I feel like we got a really good representation of the songs and I look back on this album as kind of like my first-born... A lot of those songs are still Less than Jake staples as well."

UPC/ISBN: 020286234937

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