Malevolent Spirits Mononogatari GN Vol 02 (MR)

Sale price$13.99
SKU: OCT222233

When spirits cross over into the human world, they can possess old objects and gain a physical form: a tsukumogami. Tsukumogami can be gentle, violent, or somewhere in-between, so the Saenome clan peacefully helps send them back to the spirit world to avoid destruction. Kunato Hyouma is a member of the clan, but is... less than peaceful, since he holds a grudge from when a tsukumogami robbed him of something important. Hyouma's grandfather sends him to live in Kyoto with an unusual young woman: Nagatsuki Botan, a girl who actually lives with tsukumogami like family! Can Hyouma learn to control his emotions when dealing with tsukumogami, or is his own spirit doomed to be possessed with rage forever?

UPC/ISBN: 9781685796808

FOC Date: 11/7/2022

Release Date: 4/12/2023


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