Zom 100 Bucket List of the Dead Vol. 5 - Third Eye


Zom 100 Bucket List Of The Dead GN Vol 05 (MR)

Sale price$12.99
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SKU: DEC211992

Surviving a zombie apocalypse beats a dead-end job any day! After spending years slaving away for a soul-crushing company, Akira's life has lost its luster. But when a zombie apocalypse ravages his town, it gives him the push he needs to live for himself. Now Akira's on a mission to complete all 100 items on his bucket list before he...well, kicks the bucket. Looking to cross another item off his bucket list, Akira has returned to his rural hometown to show his parents the appreciation they deserve. There, he reunites with former college classmate-turned-dropout Kanta Higurashi, who's knocking entries off a bucket list of his own. Unfortunately, Higurashi is all about getting revenge on the world that failed him. Can Akira stop his friend from destroying the fragile peace of the village?

UPC/ISBN: 9781974722983

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