FAQ Pullbox
Please e-mail info@thirdeyecomics.com with the subject THIRD EYE PULLBOX HELP and our team will be in touch within 24 hours to assist. You can also call us anytime at your local Third Eye store during normal store hours (please check your location’s hours, as hours vary from location to location).
The Third Eye Pullbox is an in-store & online mailbox for NEW COMIC RELEASES to be pulled and held for you each and every week.
While it’s a great way to ensure you never miss an issue of your favorite series (which you know is rarely a problem at Third Eye!), it’s an even better way to track the books you’re following and make sure you don’t forget to snag one of your favorites on a big week of new releases!
Easy! You create an account at thirdeyepullbox.com, log-in, add the titles from our catalog that you want to follow, and then when the next issue of your series come out, we pull them and hold them in a pullbox with your last name
on it.
When you come in the shop, you tell us your last name, and voila: you’ve got comics :)
Every 30 days. Can’t make it to the shop in 30 days? No problem!
Our team will actually reach out and contact you via e-mail to offer mail-order options to have your books paid up and shipped, or just to remind you to come in and grab your stuff.
If we don’t see your box is empty after 6 weeks, we’ll assume that you’d want us to put them back out on the shelf, and then we can catch you up whenever you’re ready to start collecting again!
Each Wednesday, new releases come out, and if some of those are books on your pull list – they’ll be in your pullbox, ready for pick up anytime!
You can keep up with our new releases list at thirdeyecomics.com, or by subscribing to our newsletter here.
It’s all good! Just email us at info@thirdeyecomics.com with the title you’d like to add, and we’ll do it manually for you!
Visit THIRDEYEPULLBOX.COM, log into your Third Eye Pullbox account (or click here to register and create one!)
click the CATALOG link, and then you’ll see a full list of all the currently ongoing, and upcoming new series that you can choose from!
You can also search even faster, by typing the name of the title into the SEARCH BOX, or by using the CATEGORIES drop-down menu to browse by publisher!
Just click ADD TO BOX, and BOOM! The book is now on your list until you remove it!
For incentive variant covers, due to the very limited availability of some, we advise you either browse our website to see if they’re listed of purchase there, email us at info@thirdeyecomics.com to check availability, or call your local Third Eye Comics location to check availability and find out how to pre-order incentive variants.
For alternate covers that are not incentive variants, just shoot us an email at info@thirdeyecomics.com with the specifics (i.e “I want to get HARLEY QUINN COVER B instead of COVER A, or I want to get BATMAN both covers, etc.”) OR you can browse our site and order online for store pick-up or mail-order.
We’ll take it from there, and make sure you get the issues you need!
And, heck, sometimes you can actually add the alternate covers right from our catalog!
Yes, due to the serial nature of manga releases, we are able to add ongoing subscriptions to your favorite manga!
Unfortunately, we can’t, because these are not typically on a serial release schedule.
However, you can pre-order all of these items with us via browsing our website, or placing an order via phone, and they can be held for you upon release with your pullbox.
Since our service is built around dropping the newest release of a series into your folder, we are unable to store older releases.
However, you can browse our site and order the items online to have them held for you for pick-up, or you can email us at info@thirdeyecomics.com to inquire about having older back issues of a series held for you as a paid hold, and not a subscription box pull.
While we pride ourselves on an incredible degree of accuracy in ensuring everything is correct with your releases, sometimes issues beyond our control may have impacted your box.
For example: a book was delayed, or showed up to us as damaged.
In any case where you notice a book missing from your Third Eye Pullbox - please let us know right away by calling your local Third Eye or emailing info@thirdeyecomics.com, and we will make sure that title is pulled and held for you.
Any PULLBOX changes made prior to the MONDAY before the on-sale date of a book (i.e if NEW COMIC DAY is Wednesday 3/9, then that would be MONDAY 3/7) will be active in the system, and dropped for you as such.
If you added a book after that cut-off, please call your local Third Eye or email info@thirdeyecomics.com to ensure that book is held for you.
You’re only required to buy titles you have added to your Pullbox. You are not required to buy any titles you have not added to your Pullbox via the site.
If you see a title in your pullbox you did not add, it’s more than likely a new series that connects to something you’re subscribed to.
I.E You’re subscribed to BATMAN, and a big BATMAN-centric event, like DARK NIGHTS METAL or BATMAN SHADOW WAR is released: we would drop you issue #1.
If you like the series, please make sure to add it to your Pullbox, as we won’t drop beyond issue #1.
If you’re not interested in the series, no sweat at all! Just hand it back to us at the counter, or e-mail our mail-order team when they invoice you to let them know you’d prefer to not get that item.
Absolutely! There’s an option to select bags and boards on our site, and for just $.25c per bag and board, we can sleeve your titles for you.