Autopsia - Weltuntergang


Autopsia - Weltuntergang

Sale price$39.99

Artist: Autopsia

Album: Weltuntergang

Autopsia is a cult art project dealing with music and visual production.

It's art practice began in London in the late 1970s and continued during the 1980s in the art centers of the former Yugoslavia. Since 1990, Autopsia has acted from Prague, Czech Republic.

Above all Autopsia is not concerned with music. What is Autopsia? Art? Theory? Framing? Projection? Gaze? Autopsia is language is image is sound. Autopsia is a tombstone on the grave of time. Autopsia is archaeology. The discourse of the beginning and about the beginning. At the beginning is Death and the pity of Death. The music is in the pity.

The music of Autopsia oscillates from romanticism to avantgarde, from industrial rhythms and dark ambient drones to relentless choral swells and academic minimalism.

UPC/ISBN: 710473193290


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