Funimation Prod
4K: Akira
This groundbreaking anime cyberpunk saga is set in the post-WWIII metropolis of Neo-Tokyo. The labyrinthine plot revolves around a secret government project, an underground resistance group, motorcycle-riding punks, psychic assassins, and the mysterious "Akira." Katsuhiro Otomo directed the violent, senses-shattering tale, based on his manga creation. Special edition includes the 1988 and 2001 English-dubbed soundtracks. 129 min. Widescreen; Soundtracks: Japanese Dolby TrueHD stereo, English Dolby TrueHD 5.1; Subtitles: English; featurettes; interview; storyboards; theatrical trailers; TV spots; more. In Japanese with English subtitles/Dubbed in English. Two-disc set.
UPC/ISBN: 704400103612
Rating: R
Starring: Jan Rabson, Yosuke Akimoto, Wendee Lee, Takeshi Kusao, Cameron Clarke, Drew Thomas, Barbara Goodson, Tony Pope, Lara Cody, Johnny Yong Bosch
Directed By: Directors: Katsuhiro Otomo, Sam Pillsbury
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