Birding to Change the World: A Memoir Hardcover


Birding to Change the World: A Memoir Hardcover

Sale price$29.99

This is for people who enjoy a good memoir, one with life twists. This memoir touches on a life of unexpected shifts, a life of unexpectedly becoming an ornithologist following climate disaster. The author, Trish O'Kane was an investigative reporter until Hurricane Katrina hit, changing her life and what she paid attention to in her environment. This prompted her to move to from New Orleans to Minnesota, where she became obsessed with all creatures feathered -- a story of fielding countless hours of watching and subsequently teaching ornithology to college students and middle schoolers. This is an accounting of her moving across the country, getting her PhD, and sharing the fascinating world of birds: their lives and of the social engagement to protect them from further crisis in her new local community. 

UPC/ISBN: 9780063223141


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