Red Rising by Pierce Brown

Del Rey

Red Rising by Pierce Brown

Sale price$18.00

The buzz for Pierce Brown's relentlessly entertaining, New York Times bestselling debut has reached a fever pitch! Channeling the readability and excitement of Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games and the best of Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game, word of mouth--and sales--for Red Rising continue to grow. Now in trade paperback to reach an even wider audience, and to lead into the highly anticipated sequel, Golden Son (Del Rey HC, 1/13/15).

Red Rising is the story of a society in a desolate future, riven by class conflict and shaken by the tremors of an impending revolution. But more than that, it's the story of Darrow--a secret revolutionary who is inspired not only by a longing for social justice, but by lost love. It's only when Darrow's beloved wife is executed by the oppressive government that he begins to question the harsh world he lives in. Recruited by an underground revolutionary cell, Darrow is given a perilous mission: infiltrate the academy that educates this elite--and become one of them.

UPC/ISBN: 9780345539809

Release Date: 07/15/2014


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